Bow Bag

Bow Pose , or Dhanurasana , is a powerful backbend that stretches the entire front of the body and strengthens the back. This pose opens the chest, improves flexibility in the shoulders and hips, and helps relieve stress. It is known to stimulate digestion and strengthen muscles in the legs, shoulders and back.

Correct execution

Follow these steps to perform Bow Pose safely:

  1. Starting position: Lie flat on your stomach with your arms at your sides, palms up, and chin on the floor.
  2. Bend the knees: Exhale and bend the knees so that the heels move towards the butt. Keep your knees hip-width apart.
  3. Grab the ankles: Stretch your arms back and grab the ankles. The fingers should point out, and the thumbs should lie on the inside of the ankles.
  4. Lift the body: Inhale and lift both the chest and thighs off the floor by pushing the feet up and back. Create an even arch in the back.
  5. Hold the position: Press the shoulder blades together and look forward. Hold the position for 20-30 seconds and breathe deeply.
  6. Finish: Exhale and gently lower the body back to the floor. Relax with your head to the side and your arms along your body.

Common mistakes

  • Too wide knee placement: Make sure your knees are hip-width apart to avoid overloading the lower back.
  • Excessive weight on the neck: Do not lift the head too high to avoid neck pain. Focus on lengthening through the spine instead.
  • Poor ankle grip: Keep a firm but comfortable grip around the ankles without straining the wrists.

Modifications and variants

To make Bow Pose more accessible, try these modifications:

  • Half Bow Pose: If full Bow Pose is challenging, try Half Bow Pose by holding one foot at a time.
  • Using a strap: If it's difficult to reach your ankles, you can use a yoga strap around your feet to extend your reach.

Repetitions and sets

Hold Bow Pose for 20-30 seconds and repeat 2-3 times. Be sure to rest between each repetition to allow your body to relax.

Breathing techniques

Maintain deep, even breaths while holding the position. Breathe in when you lift your body, and breathe out when you hold and extend your back. Focus on calm breathing to help release tension in the back.

Visual angles and tips

  • Side View: Make sure you create an even arch through your entire back, from the shoulders to the thighs.
  • Position of the knees: Keep the knees hip-width apart to prevent strain on the lower back.
  • Foot placement: Make sure your feet are active and push up to extend the stretch in your back and chest.
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